SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil: The Quality Supplement


It’s a term that gets thrown around a lot in the supplement industry.  It signifies purity and safety. A product you can be assured is healthy for your family.


When you have it, you aren’t afraid to tell others why you have it. It’s not boasting when it’s truth.


It’s the backbone of our company and we have dedicated ourselves to it. We assure you SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil is a product that is natural, unique, pure and Canadian.

“Sure”, you say. “That’s nice. Now prove it.”

Now, this might get a little technical in spots. But we’ll do our best to keep it as simple as possible.

Heavy Metals 

Let’s start with something everyone recognizes as a serious health concern: heavy metals.

These can build up in the body leading to numerous health issues. Mercury and lead are probably the two that most can name off the top of their head. You can be assured though, these will never be a part of your SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil.

When we look at heavy metal levels in Omega-3 supplements, the industry standard baseline has been set by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3’s (GOED). The non-profit organization helps ensure best practices are followed and all Omega-3 supplements are safe.

GOED has decided that when it comes to heavy metals, the Maximum Acceptable Level (MAL) is 0.1 mg / kg. In more common terms, this is 0.1 Parts Per Million (PPM).  

As revealed through our third-party quality testing: the lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic content of SeaDNA Seal Oil were less than 0.01 parts per million (ppm).

*Results of SeaDNA seal oil analysis (November 2016)

Dangerous Chemicals
Next up, let’s examine dangerous chemicals such as dioxins, furans and PCB’s. They can be naturally occurring or the result of industrial processes. Either way, they have a habit of making it into the food chain.

Health Canada states that the daily “tolerable limit” for dioxins and furans is approximately 2.3 picograms / kg of body weight.

A picogram is an extremely small quantity: 1-trillionth of a gram. By these standards, an individual weighing 80 kg can safely ingest 184 picograms per day.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has set maximum limits of 1.00 picograms / kg for the supplement industry. They are extremely stringent.

SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil is well below each limit and is a leader in this category in the industry. You would literally need to eat hundreds and hundreds of SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil capsules to even come close to Health Canada’s daily limit.

 *Results of SeaDNA seal oil analysis (May 2016).

SeaDNA Seal Oil Refining

Oxidative Stability

Another huge quality factor is the oxidative factor of an Omega-3. These are broken down into two main categories: Peroxide Value (which measures the rancidity of an oil at the start of the process) and P-Anisidine Value (which measures the rancidity of an oil once it has been processed).

You want both these numbers to be as low as possible. It shows the quality you start with and the quality of the processing. 

Again, SeaDNA is far and away well below these limits. The quality is there from the start and it continues through our world-class production process.

The final test we need to look at involving chemicals and impurities is the TOTOX Test. And this one is what it sounds like: a test of the total oxidation in an Omega-3 product. SeaDNA Seal Oil is less sensitive than fish oil to natural lipid oxidation. This is due to the predominant positioning of Triglycerides in seal oil in Sn1 and Sn3 as opposed to fish oil’s Sn2 positioning which oxides more easily.

And once again, SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil excels, proving its safety and quality:

*Results of SeaDNA seal oil analysis (May 2016).


Usine de transformation

Disintegration and Dissolution Test

You have this scientifically-proven quality Omega-3 product, now you want your body to utilize it as well as possible.

The industry standard for this is something called a “Disintegration and Dissolution Test.” It measures how quickly a supplement disintegrates (break apart) and dissolves in the stomach. The faster this happens, the sooner the body can begin to utilize all the benefits an Omega-3 provides.  The maximum allowed time is a whopping 15 minutes.

Yet again, using the test USP <2040>, SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil aces this exam. At an average disintegration time of an average of 38 seconds:

*Results of SeaDNA seal oil analysis (Feb. 2017).

So, we’ve illustrated the science showing SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil is free of heavy metals and doesn’t even come close to exceeding the limits of the WHO and Health Canada for dioxins, furans and PCB’s.  We’ve seen how this natural product starts with quality and ends with quality. The TOTOX Value demonstrates just how pure it is and we’ve also seen just how quickly it’s integrated into the body.

All of this is guaranteed by our third-party testing of each batch (available upon request) and Health Canada issuing SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil a Natural Product Number.

Like we said, it’s not bragging if it’s the truth.  

And the truth is: SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil has industry leading…you guessed it…quality.  








Que ce soit au gym, sur la glace ou à la piscine, nous savons le dévouement qui accompagne ces tôt matins et ces longues journées. Vous travaillez et vous vous attendez à voir des résultats. Les bienfaits des Oméga-3 traditionnels ont été bien documentés pour ceux qui poussent leur corps à ses limites, mais l’huile de poisson est-elle vraiment la meilleure option?


Non seulement l’huile de loup-marin SeaDNA fournit de l’AEP et de l’ADH, mais elle contient également 4% d’ADP. Des études scientifiques ont démontré que l’ADP représente un élément extrêmement avantageux comparé aux huiles de poisson qui ne contiennent que de l’AEP et de l’ADH.


✓  Est 10 X plus efficace que l’AEP pour réparer les vaisseaux endommagés.

✓  Optimise l’absorption en Oméga-3.

✓ Augmente tous les Oméga-3 clés : ADP, AEP et ADH.

✓  Est un meilleur antiplaquettaire que L’AEP et l’ADH.

Et l’huile de loup-marin SeaDNA fait tout cela sans être chimiquement modifiée!



Pour plusieurs, la prise d’une supplémentation en Oméga-3 vient avec ses désavantages. Vous savez que vous en avez besoin, mais vous détestez ces rots de poisson. Mais avec notre huile de loup-marin, cela sera une chose du passé!

Comme le phoque est un mammifère et que nous sommes également des mammifères, notre corps peut facilement digérer et absorber ses Oméga-3. Le positionnement Sn-1 et Sn-3 des triglycérides d’huile de phoque est identique à ce que nous avons dans notre corps. Cela signifie une digestion et absorption optimales pour de meilleurs résultats.


Pour les athlètes et les personnes ayant un mode de vie actif, l’une des études les plus importantes sur l’huile de phoque a été menée ici au Canada à l’Université de Toronto (Lewis et al, 2015).  

Une supplémentation en huile de loup-marin pendant seulement quelques semaines a contribué à:

  1. Accroître le VO2Max en aidant le flux sanguin vers les lits capillaires, source d’intégration de l’oxygène dans la circulation sanguine.
  2. Augmenter la force de contraction des muscles. L’augmentation la plus significative a été d’environ 20%.

  3. Diminuer la fatigue. L’étude a démontré une différence de près de 5% avec le test de Wingate.

  4. Augmenter la performance neuromusculaire et globale.



Une étude scientifique publiée par un chercheur japonais (Toshie Kanayasu-Toyoda) a démontré que l’ADP présente dans l’huile de phoque permet une meilleure récupération après un exercice intense
L’ADP amplifie de 10 X la capacité de l’AEP à réparer les vaisseaux endommagés, un problème qui survient régulièrement chez les athlètes. Cela peut résulter sous forme de capillaires rompus ou d’ecchymoses.




Vous demandez le meilleur de vous-même.

Maintenant c’est le temps de vous offrir le meilleur!