Every July 1st we here in Canada celebrate the anniversary of the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.
Canada Day is a time to honour our country, its freedoms, multiculturalism and diversity – and all the things that make our home great and unique.
We at SeaDNA also know a thing or two about being unique. To mark the 151st birthday of Canada we are proud to offer the most complete Omega-3 on the market at a special price for our fellow Canadians from coast to coast to coast.
SeaDNA Seal Oil doesn’t just have two fatty acids like most supplements, it has three, as the power of DPA is added to EPA and DHA to provide something unique, efficient and effective.
Sustainably harvested from the icy Atlantic waters off the coast of Newfoundland the remarkable Harp Seal is our source for one of the few true Canadian Omega-3’s on the market:
So, why should you choose SeaDNA Seal Oil for your Omega-3 needs?
✓ 100% Canadian. Learn more
✓ Powered by DPA – a third fatty acid not found in fish oils. Learn more
✓ Easily absorbed thanks to its mammal cell structure. Learn more
✓ Sourced from one of the most sustainable fisheries in the Atlantic Learn more
O Canada Special
For all of July we are happy to offer you our brand new 1000 mg capsules at an incredible 30% off the regular price of $34.99. This means you will receive 120 capsules (a two-month supply) at the great price of $24.50.
O Canada indeed!
CLICK HERE to order your truly Canadian Omega-3!!!