SUGGESTED SEAL CUT: Loin of young (veal) or adult seal
- Loin of young (veal) or adult seal (about 250g)
- Butter
- Olive oil
- A clove of garlic
- A sprig of thyme
- Salt
- Ground pepper
- Lightly season the meat with salt and pepper to taste.
- When the oil starts to shimmer and smoke just slightly, you’re ready to add the seal loin in then pan
- After one minute, turn the loin and add butter, crushed garlic clove and thyme.
- Lower the heat slightly, and spoon the butter foam over the top of the roasting loin.
- After 1 minute, turn the meat over and spoon the butter foam on the other side.
- Cook the meat this way for 3 to 4 minutes, depending on the size of the loin and your cooking preference (Extra-rare or Blue, rare or medium rare).
- Allow the meat to rest during 2-3 minutes before slicing
Cooking tips:
- The fresh ocean water used during meat processing gives the seal a natural salty flavor. We therefore suggest to season it lightly or not at all.
- Remove the meat from the refrigerator 20 to 30 minutes before cooking in order to temper the meat and allow it to cook more evenly.
- Taking the time to let the meat “rest” after cooking will ensure it is moist, tender and juicy.
- Seal meat is very lean, a minimum of cooking is recommended for it not to dry. Therefore, we recommend cooking seal loins no more than medium rare.
- Seal is a wild and similar to game meat, such as deer or moose, with a slight iodine taste. It goes well with mushrooms, wild berries or algae.