We at SeaDNA believe our Omega-3 Seal Oil is the best and most complete supplement option for consumers.
We regularly promote its benefits here. But every once in a while we get an email from one of our customers that absolutely blows us away. Today was one of these days.
SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil has science behind it that shows it can be incredibly effective at combating bad cholesterol ratios. We have outlined the benefits and the studies on our website at: https://www.seadna.ca/fight-cholesterol-with-seadna-omega-3/

There is though no replacement for actual, tangible results and we are proud to say it appears this is the case. This letter came to us from a SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil customer in Alberta:
“To SeaDNA,
I am a 61-year-old female who had been blessed with flawless health right up until I was 56 when I was diagnosed with severe tinnitus and its related symptoms including ear pressure and migraine headaches. Over the past 5 years the stress associated with this condition has wreaked havoc with many of my body’s systems, including indirectly affecting my bad cholesterol (LDL).
My cholesterol readings for the past five blood work check-ups were as follows:
Cholesterol: 5.04 – 6.27 – 6.13 – 6.43 – 6.27
HDL: 2.21 – 2.49 – 2.31 – 2.16 – 2.30
LDL: 2.49 – 3.46 – 3.31 – 3.91 – 3.52
My GP held off recommending a statin drug because he said my HDL readings were decent and lessened his concern with my rising LDL until…April 2017. At this time he encouraged me to take the statin drug, which actually scared me as I have low tolerance for prescription meds and all their various side effects and didn’t want to start on a powerful statin if I didn’t have to.
At this point, I asked my GP to give me 3 months so I could do some research and speak with a homeopath friend. It was this homeopath who actually recommended seal oil and provided the link to SeaDNA.
For the next 3 months I steadfastly took 6 seal oil capsules each day, along with increasing the cholesterol lowering fruits and veggies in my diet, increasing my daily water consumption, reducing simple sugars, and increasing my level of exercise weekly.
Yesterday, I got my blood work results back and was thoroughly amazed and ecstatic!
Here are my results:
Cholesterol: 5.20
HDL: 2.60
LDL: 2.33
So you can see that my good cholesterol (HDL) went up and my bad cholesterol (LDL) went down affecting my overall cholesterol in a positive way.
I attribute my success to all of the above, but truly do not think my results would have been quite as dramatic without the seal oil. I’m definitely a convert and would highly recommend that anyone with similar concerns about embarking on a prescription med path do the 3 month trial beforehand. You too, may be pleasantly surprised and empowered about taking some control back over your life!
Thanks SeaDNA ; )
Calgary, AB”
These results are exactly why we believe so strongly in this great Canadian product. It is naturally different thanks to the power of DPA and its fantastic HDL/LDL ratio and could be what makes a positive difference for your health as well. As always though, please consult your own doctor before making a major change to scheduled prescription medications.

SeaDNA Seal Oil is the complete Omega-3 supplement choice and we encourage anyone now taking an Omega-3 or considering it to investigate this option.
We have a wealth of information on our website (www.seadna.ca) to help you make your best health choice. We at SeaDNA are proud to offer Canada’s premier Omega-3 seal oil brand.
Approved by Health Canada and third-party tested to ensure unmatched quality and purity. SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil is a healthy and safe Omega-3 option that is truly Canadian.

To order: www.boutique.seadna.ca/catalog or find us on Amazon Canada.