In the fight against joint pain and arthritis we need all the help we can get. So why not choose an Omega-3 with the power of THREE fatty acids instead of just EPA and DHA?
SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil is the place to find this three-powered Omega-3.
Check your Omega-3 supplement: does it have DPA? Chances are it doesn’t. And if it does, not in the quantities you can find in SeaDNA Seal Oil.
DPA (Docosapentaenoic acid) occurs naturally in very few places: Seal Oil and mother’s breast milk are two. A recent article in Montreal en Santé outlined these benefits.
Damaged vessels can lead to joint problems like arthritis and DPA is a powerful Omega-3 to combat this. Scientists have discovered it takes just 10% of DPA compared to EPA to achieve maximal endothelial migration, a critical function in repairing blood vessels causing inflammation. So even though SeaDNA Omega-3 Seal Oil isn’t highly concentrated like many fish oils on the market, its natural, DPA powered properties are an efficient and effective option.
DPA can suppress inflammation and reduce muscle and joint pain. Studies have found that bioconversion of DPA in the body increases the level of all key omega-3’s (EPA, DHA and DPA), therefore boosting healthy inflammatory levels. Unlike DPA, EPA only increased the proportions of EPA. DPA can perform wonders, this is another.
Another way Seal Oil with DPA helps is its relationship with numerous inflammation biomarkers (CRP, TNF-α, IL-6) that appear in the blood when there are problems. Science shows concentrations of DPA in the body are inversely correlated with inflammatory cytokine levels in tissues. To put it simply: less DPA means higher levels of inflammation markers. This clearly suggests DPA is critical in limiting factors leading to inflammation and joint pain.
Along with the presence of DPA, SeaDNA Seal Oil is also more efficient and more easily digested than alternatives. The fact the seal is a mammal also means our bodies naturally integrate the Omega-3 content faster. We handle the familiar mammal cellular make-up of seal oil very well, meaning no reflux or annoying disgusting burps. SeaDNA Seal Oil is 100% Canadian from front to back and is of the highest quality. Click here to learn more about the differences between seal oil and fish oil.
SeaDNA offers – along with our traditional softgels – a Lemon-Flavour Seal Oil that has been called the “best-tasting Omega-3” supplement on the market. Its versatility means you can add it to smoothies, juices, or your favourite salad dressing. One teaspoon a day is all you need to help make those inflammation woes a little more manageable.
SeaDNA’s line of Omega-3 products have all been certified as Natural Products by Health Canada and are 100% Canadian sourced and produced.
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Choi M, JuJ, Suh JS, Park KY, Kim KH. Effects of Omega-3-Rich Harp Seal Oil on the Production of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages. Preventive nutrition and food science 2015;20:83-7.
Gan RW, BemisEA, DemoruelleMK, et al. The association between omega-3 fatty acid biomarkers and inflammatory arthritis in an anti-citrullinated protein antibody positive population. Rheumatology(Oxford) 2017;56:2229-36.
Miller, E., Kaur, G., Larsen, A., Loh, S. P., Linderborg, K., Weisinger, H. S., et al. (2013). A short-term n-3 DPA supplementation study in humans. Eur. J. Nutr. 52, 895–904. doi: 10.1007/s00394-012-0396-3
Morin C, Blier PU, Fortin S. Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid monoglycerides are more potent than docosahexaenoic acid monoglyceride to resolve inflammation in a rheumatoid arthritis model. ArthritisResTher2015;17:142.
Morin C, Hiram R, Rousseau E, Blier PU, Fortin S. Docosapentaenoic acid monoacylglyceride reduces inflammation and vascular remodeling in experimental pulmonary hypertension. Am J PhysiolHeartCircPhysiol2014;307:H574-86.
Neil J . Mann, et al. Effects of seal oil and tuna-fish oil on platelet parameters and plasma lipid levels in healthy subjects, epub, 2010.
Skulas-Ray AC, Flock MR, Richter CK, Harris WS, West SG, Kris-Etherton PM. RedBlood Cell Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA n-3) is Inversely Associated with Triglycerides and C-reactive Protein (CRP) in Healthy Adults and Dose-DependentlyIncreasesFollowingn-3 FattyAcid Supplementation. Nutrients2015;7:6390-404.
ToshieKanayasu-Toyoda, et al. Docosapentaenoicacid(22:5, n-3), an elongationmetaboliteof eicosapentaenoicacid(20:5, n-3), is a potent stimulator of endothelial cell migration on pretreatment in vitro, 1996.
Wiese DM, Horst SN, Brown CT, et al. SerumFattyAcidsAre CorrelatedwithInflammatoryCytokines in UlcerativeColitis. PLoSOne 2016;11:e0156387.